
Its ratings were EVEN HIGHER than the 'Renegade' 4th season premiere? Higher than the season 3 cliffhanger finale of 'Small Wonder? Fiddle faddle!

It's a shame John Carter wasn't successful. I was rooting for it to be both good and popular. Oh well, apparently Disney's brain trust has forgotten they've never exactly had the midas touch when it comes to big, adult skewing sci-fi yarns. Most of their execs probably think The Black Hole is a porn they torrented

I've seen Swans three times over the years at three different venues. None of the shows were worse than rock solid. On the other hand, after the second show, for Soundtracks for the Blind, I approached Gira who was holding court at the back of the venue. Being a huge fan of the music but not knowing anything in

My feeling is that I'll give any band whose recorded music I like a shot live, provided the venue isn't too big. If anything, I want to support their music financially, and who knows, the show or the experience surrounding it might actually be great. There is one big catch to that though.

This is awesome news.

No dates in the midwest? -sigh-

On the topic of Beach House live, I'm hoping the dates listed on their artist page aren't complete for the year. Every venue listed for their upcoming tour, presumably to support the new album, is either in Europe or the southern US. If they're coming to Chicago, I hope it won't be part of Lollapalooza, or at

Sorry, but Victoria Legrand's voice is all the substance I need….

Actually, Netflix DOES provide a much of what I want, and that certainly doesn't include My Little Pony. For $20 a month, between streaming and DVDs, I get more desirable content than I do from my $80 cable package. For the same $20, I could have rented about 6 videos from Blockbuster (or less if any were returned

You may be right, but Padilha as director gives me some small hope that this new Robocop will carry some of the satiric qualities in the original. His first film was a documentary and Elite Squad had a fair amount of social commentary.

You do realize that Netflix is built into just about every consumer electronic device produced over the last couple years right?

Yeah, I totally miss Cocksucker Video (TM).

So Insane Clown Posse's label couldn't pony up the $5.99 to sign Durst? Damn this economy!

"Bloodrayne TRILOGY"

Who'd've thunk Sutter was a fan of Mio & Mao?

Of course the odds of typical parents buying tickets for the whole family to see a documentary in an actual theater are pretty small, 'R' or no. If they see documentaries at all, it'll be on PBS or Netflix. By that point, the rating will probably be less of a barrier. All things being equal though, it's still the

All I want to know is if the new album is built around Dune references?

While I laughed at the Bon Iver jokes, I thought it a little odd that SNL writers seem to feel that mocking Lana Del Rey is beyond the pale, yet they wasted no time to poke fun at Justin Vernon. When Wiig impersonated Lana Del Rey, the writers only reinforced all the marketing talking points about her (ie she's

"She's got good songs"? The hell? She's performed like three songs as part of two identities in a year.