
This show, after the 2 or 3rd episodes, is much improved from season one.  A wonderful surprise.

This show, after the 2 or 3rd episodes, is much improved from season one.  A wonderful surprise.

Historically, they are.  No one knows for sure how he met his end, and some have always believed he was murdered by Cesare so it will be interesting to see how it has been written.  I believe it may be too soon to kill off Juan though.  I think he will be around for a while longer.

Historically, they are.  No one knows for sure how he met his end, and some have always believed he was murdered by Cesare so it will be interesting to see how it has been written.  I believe it may be too soon to kill off Juan though.  I think he will be around for a while longer.

Not so.  He had a lengthy scene with Jaime the first season, just before Robb took him prisoner.  I don't know if you meant this season or ever, but if you meant both seasons of the show then you haven't been watching.  He and Tyrion also had lengthly interaction over two episodes.  And Joffrey isn't his offspring, he

Not so.  He had a lengthy scene with Jaime the first season, just before Robb took him prisoner.  I don't know if you meant this season or ever, but if you meant both seasons of the show then you haven't been watching.  He and Tyrion also had lengthly interaction over two episodes.  And Joffrey isn't his offspring, he

No, she's been the thing that has made up for the Daenerys storyline's lacking the oomph it has this season.  The child is great.  Her parents must be proud.

No, she's been the thing that has made up for the Daenerys storyline's lacking the oomph it has this season.  The child is great.  Her parents must be proud.

I know, I was thinking I would definitely use that from now on.

I know, I was thinking I would definitely use that from now on.

But her story was the most compelling the first season and that ending is what brought so many people to tune in for the premier this season.  Unfortunately it hasn't been as compelling this season, with the chaos in Westeros I suppose her storyline would get short shrift but I am really disappointed by it.  Let's

But her story was the most compelling the first season and that ending is what brought so many people to tune in for the premier this season.  Unfortunately it hasn't been as compelling this season, with the chaos in Westeros I suppose her storyline would get short shrift but I am really disappointed by it.  Let's

They weren't King's Guard.  I can't believe how many people watch this show and still don't know who was whom.  Ok, Tyrion goes out, fights, they cheer, he turns around, says his classic line and is nearly overrun by Stannis soldiers.  Then, surprise, here comes his father, Tywin, to save the day.  I recognized his

They weren't King's Guard.  I can't believe how many people watch this show and still don't know who was whom.  Ok, Tyrion goes out, fights, they cheer, he turns around, says his classic line and is nearly overrun by Stannis soldiers.  Then, surprise, here comes his father, Tywin, to save the day.  I recognized his

That was not Loras Tyrell people.  That is the cousin that Cersei took up with after Robert was killed and Jaime was captured by Robb.  Geez.

That was not Loras Tyrell people.  That is the cousin that Cersei took up with after Robert was killed and Jaime was captured by Robb.  Geez.

Ryan, Sansa didn't run away from King's Landing.  He offered to take her but she didn't go.  Didn't you watch the previews for the finale?  She's still there.

Ryan, Sansa didn't run away from King's Landing.  He offered to take her but she didn't go.  Didn't you watch the previews for the finale?  She's still there.

Well old Clint has always had a great weakness for the ladies and so when you act like an alley cat that sometimes happens.  I still think he has more than seven kids.

Well old Clint has always had a great weakness for the ladies and so when you act like an alley cat that sometimes happens.  I still think he has more than seven kids.