
Kenley was a bitch to Tim Gunn in her original run, which is the origin of my hate. This season it's just that her voice makes me want to claw my face off. That, and I'm sick of the polka-dot rockabilly thing in general.

No, I got that. But the fact remains that Barney is getting rewarded for lip service instead of real change. Besides. Regardless of her cutesy stage name, she's not on the show as the avatar of a cosmic force who doles out rewards and punishments because she is literally a deity. She is an actual human who's being

"I thought this episode, at least, gave him a good bit of comeuppance for the outlandish stuff he got up to for years."

Ted kept Lily and Marshall on a lease without their permission for four years? Through lease renewals? And decided to take himself off the lease without them knowing? So if they don't want that apartment they'll still be stuck with all the rent during the duration of the lease?

Pointing out that the phrase "jumped the shark" has jumped the shark has jumped the shark.

I guess I misunderstood Archmage. I mistakenly wasn't reading it as pride, I was simply thinking that I'm happy that I've never seen many movies I'm not interested in. For example, "The English Patient." Nothing I've read or heard about it makes it sound remotely like something I'd enjoy. Oh, no.

SeanRobinson - Oh, please. "I'm glad I haven't seen a movie I don't want to watch" is hardly a big enough sin to qualify as a "disgusting personal trait."

Michael_Is -

It's what I do!

mratfink -

In regards to point 1, in the first episode he tells the kids "before I was 'dad' I had this whole other life." Then he refers to their "Uncle Barney."

bdawgxi -

Michael_Is_My_Co-Caine -

If the plot was just "Barney is sick of one-night stands and wants to try the whole girlfriend thing," then fine. Cast whoever. But if they keep insisting on "Barney hasn't changed, it's just that this perfect beautiful specimen of womanhood is so perfect and special that she's shaken him to his very core, forcing him

My dad met her once. He said that she was 30 times more gorgeous in person than on TV. He said she was easily the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.


And if you routinely mistake him and about five other actors for each other?

The show is hopeful and optimistic, but it also doesn't pretend that sad things never happen. Leslie chose Pawnee over Dave, Tom's wife didn't love him, Tom's 7/20 dream died, Leslie chose the campaign over Ben, Ben lost his job over his relationship, the campaign people ditched Leslie, Andy was homeless. So plenty of

Only if they knocked off the Cooch Family Love Pentagon. That was excruciatingly dull. The rest was so, so good, but that was just a boner-killer.

Technically that's because I moved between the other two counties (even to parts of the exotic Eastern Shore of Maryland), but really. Everything that's not Pennsylvania Jr. up there is pretty much the same thing - wall-to-wall antique stores in old chicken coops.