
It was on purpose, so who cares if my ears bled!

It was on purpose, so who cares if my ears bled!

I can't remember - did they indicate that Robin and Barney's wedding was definitely this year? Or can they put the wedding off until the end of season 9?

I can't remember - did they indicate that Robin and Barney's wedding was definitely this year? Or can they put the wedding off until the end of season 9?

In a generally positive discussion, sure. But in articles where the commenters overall hated something, I've totally seen people call out positive comments like "I loved it!." I think it's "Goes against the flow" more than than the actual sentiment.

In a generally positive discussion, sure. But in articles where the commenters overall hated something, I've totally seen people call out positive comments like "I loved it!." I think it's "Goes against the flow" more than than the actual sentiment.

True, but much like "Symphony of Illumination" she could be emotional about losing something she didn't want just because she assumed it was always there. Not that she wanted Ted, but she's used to the situation and is scared of what the change will look like.

True, but much like "Symphony of Illumination" she could be emotional about losing something she didn't want just because she assumed it was always there. Not that she wanted Ted, but she's used to the situation and is scared of what the change will look like.

In order for it to work she would have to be married, which he surely knows.

In order for it to work she would have to be married, which he surely knows.

Agreed. Just tell people not to park there, yeesh. These musicians keep using the Luncheonette despite getting ignored during the daily shouting matches in the booth, I think they can handle being asked to move their cars.

Agreed. Just tell people not to park there, yeesh. These musicians keep using the Luncheonette despite getting ignored during the daily shouting matches in the booth, I think they can handle being asked to move their cars.

Yeah. I guess "they like it more than you do" is just too far-fetched. Probably some weird psychological hang-up.

Yeah. I guess "they like it more than you do" is just too far-fetched. Probably some weird psychological hang-up.

Stephen77 -

Stephen77 -

SnorkJuice (seriously, lovin' that name) -

SnorkJuice (seriously, lovin' that name) -

As a lawyer, I can assure you "Fuck if I know, that's not my area. I'll run it past my friend, though. Also, it sounds like you're being a douche so quit doing that for now" is an entirely realistic response to a friend/family member asking for free legal advice.

As a lawyer, I can assure you "Fuck if I know, that's not my area. I'll run it past my friend, though. Also, it sounds like you're being a douche so quit doing that for now" is an entirely realistic response to a friend/family member asking for free legal advice.