
This is effectively what comic book fans went through for a long time, though. Just waiting for a good movie based on a comic book. I won't argue about cultural inferiority complexes being at play, but it's not a new thing for "nerds" to want the thing they nerd out about to be more widely accepted.

Yeah, I uh… I just refuse to /played in WoW anymore. It's just better for my sanity to not know how much time I've spent in there.

They bumped Wong from Strange's manservant to one of the Masters.

Yeah, it didn't do well at the box office. >_>
But his sex scene is pretty entertaining in a 'wtf is even happening' sort of way.


Okay, but have you seen The Bronze? It's not a good movie, but there are things (okay, one scene, really) in there that you should see that are entirely relevant to this conversation. Also @Scrawler2:disqus


Different strokes and all. I find traditional sports incredibly boring and would rather watch an esport championship.

I don't watch PDP, but there are a few smaller YouTubers/Twitch streamers I watch on a regular basis. I am not one of "the youngs." I just like vidja games, and it can be entertaining to watch someone else play something I can't or won't on my own.

"While I appreciate the call, Mrs Smith, Johnny will have to inform me of his absence himself."
Add or not: "If he does not do so, this will go on record as him not showing up for work today."

Please clap.

That's why you don't mock the low level thief on guard duty with magic elven boots. It's common sense!

I'm reduced to random swearing and prolonged sighs at this point.

It's not the cats' fault you're allergic to their adorable fuzzy cuteness.

These are what I learned to play from initially - the white boxed set that appears to be going for a measy $300, though, not the fancy first printing (that's at over $8k now!). I think they were our dad's. We updated to AD&D pretty soon after that.

I have an ogre-slaying knife!
Man I was overjoyed when my brother showed me this. I could basically identify everybody in the video with one of the people in our tabletop group. The guy who kept asking where the cheetos were was definitely Dave.

Probably not.

Which is both true and terrible, but I think @Oliviatremor:disqus was probably referencing the places that pay their people min wage or higher but still leave tip jars out and most people are socialized to see that and feel compelled to tip anyway.

Ma Dong Seok? He's entertaining in everything, though that may be because that character is basically what he does in everything.

I thought part of the translation while she was in the room with the living one (can't remember if it was Abbott or Costello) was that they were trying to help mankind now because they would need mankind's help in the future. But maybe I hallucinated that, I went to a late showing and I was very tired.