Because animated shows will never, ever have the audience or acclaim of a live action show. Major studios need the audience for $ and want the acclaim.
Because animated shows will never, ever have the audience or acclaim of a live action show. Major studios need the audience for $ and want the acclaim.
I don't think they need to cut it all back to Big Bad and his Minions, but I do think for a TV show, they would need to do rather massive edits to the story. WoT not only has an overwhelming cast of characters but once the story gets rolling, there are a lot of armies, and multiple forces have a lot of flashy magic at…
Faile's the educated and worldly one, and yet she gets frustrated that the backwater bumpkin from nowhere doesn't know how to treat her, daughter of a Saldaean general and cousin to the queen. Of course she can't be bothered to explain it to him, she just apparently expects him to magically figure it out.
Time is a turning wheel. Each Age is a spoke on that wheel. The smaller details may change, but the major events (the big bad's rise and fall) and players (the hero/es, reincarnated) eventually roll back around.
Yes, it's mostly that I hate her thought process. She can't use her words like a grown goddamned woman, she secretly wants Perrin to treat her like a child (yell at her, manhandle her, command her) and then behaves even more like one because he tries to treat her like an equal.
If the invading force on Toman Head was introduced as clearly being the last of the Seanchan, there would be room to use them without overburdening the show with all their extra story and plot.
*eye twitch starts up again*
…dammit! I'd managed to forget about that entire stupid plot.
Woolheaded sheepherders, to be precise.
Alright, but ONLY that scene. She can be there as like Hunter for the Horn #3 for that scene and then literally sail off into the sunset.
They could just drop Faile entirely and I'd be okay with that.
Most events in WoT took several books to resolve.
The battle at Dumai's Wells is still my favorite chapter. >_>
Currently, I have a Persephone and a Paige.
Perse was part of a pair (her mom was Pandora (I know that's not canon, but the name suited her better than Demeter and I like alliteration in my pet names), who passed a few years ago).
Paige was one of three kittens I fostered and I was going through a Charmed phase when I…
Nothing with tomato in it.
*prolonged, forlorn sigh*
Almost done with work! Then to the book store for a new nerd novel!
The average kdrama plot is basically…. guy and girl hate each other, guy realizes he actually likes girl, girl says nooooo, guy gets sick of chasing girl, then girl realizes SHE likes GUY, girl chases guy, they eventually get together.
Honestly? I just enjoy the music. I have no idea what they're saying, so I can't cringe at the terrible lyrics (the terrible engrish, yes), and I can just focus on the beat.
So what you're saying is that multiple Death Stars fell over and sank into the swamp?
I'm… not sure I've ever had jeans that didn't have pockets, but I have a hell of a time finding nice pants or slacks for work that DO have pockets.
My local Target has a bit wider of a selection, but it irritates me that there's like… one rack for jeans AND pants (there is more space given for maternity wear than for fat-people-wear). If you're not a fan of skinny jeans, jeggings, or already distressed jeans, your options are even more limited. And there will…