Evil God of the Fiery Cloud

No love for Luna, Sailor Moon’s cat? Also, the God of Destruction Beerus would like some words with ye...

I recall enjoying the overall premise and bits of the story here and there, but it kept on doing little things to annoy me that kept adding up. One admittedly was the complete waste of Cosmic Spider-Man, who I understood needed to go but hated the way he went. In the older comics when Peter first got the Enigma Force,

As far as English voices of Vegeta go, I’m totally Team Drummond. I’ve never cared for Sabat’s voicing and felt that all his characters just had differing degrees of sore throats. I may have hated alot of the scripting of the original Ocean Dub, but I always felt that Brian Drummond’s Vegeta was far more distinctive

This kinda reminds me of the first Amazing Spider-Man movie where they made those ridiculous adjustments to the classic Spidey costume for no fucking reason. Then later I saw the other designs they were kicking around and was like “Holy shit! It could have actually been worse!!!!” This article demonstrates that

Another remake of a beloved film is all well and good, but by Odin’s Many Names, who nowadays could fill out the vital role of Yvette the maid!?!

A few years ago at Otakon, the wife of Watsuki Nobuhiro, the creator of Rurouni Kenshin was there with a bunch of special art he’d drawn. I sat in on her panel and she was talking about the lifestyle of a manga artist, Watsuki Sensei’s process, the success of Kenshin and a bunch of other stuff. One of the things she

I guess that’s where I’m a bit confused. Scarlett Johansson seems to have done a good job looking like the character. At 5'3 she’s within a few inches of the Major’s height of 5'6. In both the original manga and the anime (film or SAC) she’s not drawn as outwardly “hard” (except perhaps in her expression and demeanor)

Just saying I’ve met plenty of girls who folks might describe as “soft” or not threatening looking who were more than capable of putting a hurt on people.

I dunno. Between Aikido, Naginata, and Savate practioners I’ve met (as well as more than a few girlfriends over the years), pocket sized ladies have been some of the most dangerous people I’ve ever encountered.