Ya Feet Stink

False white women benefit the most from affirmative action. People mistakenly believe AA is only about helping minorities which is simply not true. AA is an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination in relation to employment or education. Most tend to only tie AA into college admissions

I mean that if you are on Star Search at 11 and The Mickey Mouse Club at 12, you did as much “growing up” in Los Angeles and Orlando as you did in Memphis.

I’m not here for this “kumbaya” rhetoric that Justin is getting at.

Can we really say that someone who has been a celebrity since he was about twelve “grew up” in Memphis?

You could’ve stopped with your first sentence.

Uh UH No coddling his dumbass! He went for the “color blind” quote and his ass needs to own it.

Oh Justin you sweet naive summer child...you done fucked up! That’s first tweet was fine but damn if you didn’t put your foot in your mouth with that second one and black twitter came for that ass accordingly

Basically, Justin Timberlake gentrified and appropriated Jesse Williams speech...then critiqued someone’s resistance.

I was done with Timberlake when he threw Janet Jackson under the bus after their Super Bowl stunt.

It had “Oh you sweet soul” which is equally condescending if not worse

“She would be alive is she hadn’t acted so ...free.”

He listened to that whole speech and somehow came away with “we are one race”. That is...a unique skill.

It would be hard to have a conversation with Justin if he refuses to address the subject at hand. All that was missing from that tweet was “bless your heart”.

I got my entire black ass lyfe from this performance.... And then I watched GoT so basically my entire life is lit right now

Beyonce’s dancers on the red carpet:

Was literally just rewatching Lemonade as this was posted. Gahhhhhhh she is so damn good. Makes me feel all:

I’ve always felt she had something real to say. She just said it more quietly, and behind a more picture perfect pop beat. I’d definitely say she was more raw, but her music has always been real. Her instagram, not so much. I’m loving it, but I’ve always loved me some Beyonce.

all the white women on jezebel must be pissed off to know this happened

Wow. So she wasn’t even arguing for a meritocratic process in the first place. In addition to assigning herself the public roll of entitled dim-wit and poster child for white mediocrity and fragility, she also illustrates the acute dangers of parents blowing smoke up their snowflakes’ buttholes.