Yada Yada Yoda

Yeah...I read the entire transcript. Trump is completely unhinged. Not much scares me, but I was quite unsettled after reading that.

We NEED people in the WH. People can’t quit now, because if they do, who will steal papers off his desk and distract him, thus preventing a global meltdown?

I want to acknowledge you for this comment, but dare not add another star. The Gronk would be disappointed.

AMEN. I love beer, but I am so IPA’d out. There are so many great styles in the world that are being drowned out by a sea of hops.

All hail The Spotted Cow.

This is what I said all last season. Leicester certainly deserved the title, but Kante is the biggest reason they won.

I rarely read long posts, because I don’t care to waste time on long-winded opinions. Yours was not that. Russia has a bad reputation, but I’d like to think sensible people understand that country-wide reputations are created by people in power, not those of us going about our day-to-day lives.  Thank you for this

Was saying that the whole game. That defense was pressing WAY to high and repeatedly got destroyed on the counter. Luckily for Germany, Mexico bumbled 95% of their breaks.

Germany’s backline was getting torched by the Mexico counterattack ALL match. They were paying too high and I’m surprised they didn’t adjust in the second half. This game could have easily ended 4-0

I may revisit tequila one day. We should hang...

Why is this hard to understand? Access to more resources doesn’t automatically make you more intelligent. There are plenty of dumb, well-off people, and intelligent, less fortunate people.

Like Kate Spade and countless others, this just goes to show you that depression and suicide knows no boundaries. Bourdain lived a life most of us will only live vicariously by watching him and others travel the world.

Seriously. Goddammit.

Wow...I appreciate this! Since that post, I moved to a different town in the same state, closer to work. That means I’m less isolated, which has been good. However, I also realized that I need to move back to a place with more frequent sunshine and the amenities of a larger metro area, for a multitude of reasons.

I personally enjoy the (initial) pain. I love the feeling I get from eating really spicy foods. It’s intense. As the child of an Asian parent, I’m sure that eating spicy foods from a young age plays a small factor into it, but I don’t think anyone else in my family has quite an affinity for spicy foods as I do. The

I can’t say I hate this. Megan actually pulled a few chuckles out of me AND she’s correct about Edgar Martinez.

I’m glad you asked this. Never in my life have I EVER seen raisins in potato salad. The fuck?

He was 29 years old when he did this...hardly a kid.

YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW. Reuben may be a trash person, but those sandwiches...delightful.

Was digging the Archspire t-shirt...thanks for unraveling the mystery of the Cattle Decapitation shirt...which is kinda dumb of me, since I’m wearing my “Harvest Floor” shirt right now.