
I have a very different memory of your mom’s backseat.

Entertaining no doubt. Debbi Downer here. Seems like there was a good chance this truck could have ended up on the public road used for filming. There was traffic travelling in the opposite direction on the same side of the road as the “race truck”. Glad nobody got hurt.

In my college days I used to date a girl from Eaton and eat a girl from Dayton.

Funny, at my school “wire hanger”, “stairs”, and “clinic” were the options that could beat “pregnant girlfriend”.

Welcome to the lacrosse field, rookie. Rules are simple. 74 men in mesh shorts try to capture your egg with their nets. Any questions? No? Good. Just go sign up with Montana and Breshley at the Bud Light Lime stage and they’ll give you the organic pecan oil you’ll need for your uniform.

He even says “watch out” as soon as the Crashtang appears.

You paid $275 to see Kanye West? Hahahahahaha

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

Look, Kevin Johnson is a world-class POS, but he was well within his rights to put the two-piece on that idiot’s face repeatedly.

Based on the picture I am assuming that you are recommending that, in order to recognize a safe Galaxy Note 7, your readers should purchase a Galaxy Note 5.

It’s the entire assumption here, it doesn’t need to be spelled out. Hamilton likes to play pretend economist/financial guru sometimes but anyone who knows anything can see right through him. Pay no mind.

Some say opinions can never be wrong. They are wrong. This is wrong. Skins are the best.

Why does he have a camera on his head? I mean good for him, cause that kept the facts straight, but are there really that many people that leave the house with a camera on their head?