Congo Bongo

Did I trigger someone?

Are you mentally ill?

This is 2015, the year where no one gives a shit about your product/piece of art unless it offends someone, but everyone is so hyper sensitive these days that anyway can get offended. Hell, I remember a mentally ill degenerate getting triggered over the 12th Doctor pulling his hair out during his first episode, and

As far as I am concerned political correctness has no place in film, or any artform for that matter. Honestly, instead of race baiting and getting triggered have you ever thought about the performances behind an actor, or are you that much of a two-bit blogger that you just can't?

You call the Oscars racist, yet they gave best-picture to 12 years a slave with some of them not even watching it.Have you ever thought that the film just isn't very good? www.cinemablend.com/new/Two…