“And New York City as Itself”
“And New York City as Itself”
Cool opinion there, Holden Caulfield.
Jimmy Eat World’s official statement: “May angels lead you in.”
He’s fallen into the Depp trap.
Less Than Zero was peak brat pack. The book Less Than Zero by Bret Easton Ellis is both nihilistic and aimless. A fun beach read!
Some other gems:
Shooter Jennings “Shooter” album was criminally overlooked.
Cloud Nothings was definitely overlooked.
What?! No “Alan Wake”?! Kidding; that should be on the list of best unintentionally funniest games.
The last paragraph sounds like you want Booger to own one of those roving cities in the upcoming Inception Machines movie or whatever it’s called.
Spot-on. More of the same can be found on his “In Glendale” album: “Work from Home” is especially great.
It would seem to be a hugely impractical thing to carry around the untamed west back then, especially as an outlaw type who frequently finds himself jumping on trains, shooting bears, and getting into bar brawls.
Oasis at their most Beatlesque. Great track!
“Way, way back in the 1980's/secret government employees/dug up famous guys and ladies/and made amusing genetic copies...”
Me: Derrius Guice will save the season! 10-6 here we come!
This was pointed out to me already, but the vocals sounds like some Ozzy Osbourne. A very good track, and a welcome return from them. Saw them at 9:30 Club; was an excellent show.
Pretty much every rock star over 40 is too old for their haircut.
Not terrible, but seriously overrated in the pantheon on indie pop-rock. Better bands deserve their vaunted position.
This also speaks to the idea that comics have to “move the conversation forward” with their humor. I think that really boils down to your preference of comedy. If you like seeing comedians do largely punchline free screeds against the structures of power, or tell personal anecdotes laced with irony and the odd…
Yeah it seemed like the premise was like: “Uh, we don’t have ‘Colbert Report’ anymore, so let’s make something that’s like...worse than that?”