
So in other words, Amazon is hypothetically considering utilizing the same strategy as the crack dealer in the bad part of town. What could possibly go wrong?


Chalky is amazing, and Van Alden is fifty shades of awesome. However, Eli gaied at least ten points in my book for beating down Agent Knox. Enough to become the *best* character on the show? Nah. Points are points though!

The point is that even the most deserving don't get their happy endings. The true drama of Boardwalk Empire is that someone like Richard who did horrible things both during and post-war, but became a better person (in a matter of speaking) dies from a gut shot. Meanwhile an amoral all-around scumbag like Nucky walks

Bubbles and I agree.

Yup haha. That is where the cheese goes. Deep dish pizza. Bleh.

Thin in squares? Isn't that Detroit style?

And if you watch none of these? Does that mean I'm too poor to count as a real person?

The network doesn't necessarily reflect the writers. The Good Wife only happens to be on CBS, but still manages to be well written. This show appears to be "written" by aggressive monkeys throwing their own poo. Actually…that would be a more interesting show. Greenlight it CBS!

I don't watch this show, but Sonia insulting things make my morning. So worth it!

Way to stick to your act! That's commitment to your role. Respect!

I wouldn't worry much about that. Who else will Nucky bully? Mickey is basically immortal!

Let's be fair to the ice weasels: they don't like this show either.

One of these days, I'm gonna watch this show. I keep saying that. It looks so funny lmao

GoT has phenomenal characters, but not necessarily phenomenal actors. For the most part, they're grand, awesome, spectacular, deserve all the praise. Peter Dinklage, I'm looking at you! But other folks bring the average down a bit. Kit Harrington is merely acceptable. Boardwalk Empire sometimes has plotting issues,

I'd argue perhaps second best. First would go to The Wire (in my opinion) without a doubt. Characters zipped in and out seamlessly. Even McNulty (who was the closet thing to a protagonist, arguably so) disappeared for most of the 4th season.

ANNND she's a Pittsburgher too. I love that woman.

yes well, we can take solace in the fact that this episode aired in the better days.

What's happened to that wonderful, wonderful man of tits?

Andre Royo as a random zombie?