Yet Another Burner, Don't Mind Me

Which bipartisan bills did she sponsor/co-sponsor as a senator that made it into law?

Like Hillary would be able to get anything done in the first half of her hypothetical first term, either.

The amazing thing is that so far, he’s right.

Dick Cheney shot a white, rich Republican, in the face, and then the guy he shot APOLOGIZED TO CHENEY for how awful Cheney must have felt about it.

This career arc is so surprising, given that his success started with a song about middle / upper-middle class suburban white kids being poverty tourists by shopping at a Goodwill to see what kind of fashion statements they could make for $20 or less.

Why should I care what they think about their brand’s image? They’re the ones who can’t spell.

On the one hand, Trump and other public figures have been referred to- especially on this site - with increasingly longer and longer paragraphs of vile descriptions of his appearance.

When this happened within Microsoft years and years ago, it was so all-encompassing, embarrassing, work-crippling and infamous, members of the Outlook team made t-shirts after finally killing it.

No, Hillary is Peter Jackson.

Hear hear.

i-am-sam-bic pentameter

I prefer to think of a Palin endorsement of Trump as some sort of dog whistle to those of us who have been desperately hoping against hope that Trump’s been running some sort of long-running prank / false flag campaign.

His last material, especially his last special before he died, seemed to indicate that he was already changing his material and direction. His material starting around mid-00s seemed to be veering away from slamming people for perceived lack of personal responsibility, goals and priorities, or railing about social and

I wonder if staffers get an unlimited supply of machine gun bacon.

Every single person who has ever written, spoken, tweeted, facebooked, etc. any kind of support for Cosby’s victims, should be doing the exact same for Clinton’s victims too.

ABC: Anyone But Clinton.

Nobody tell Teddy about all those software engineers over here on H-1b visas, please - I live near a large software company campus and don’t need to see Doughy McMachineGunBacon have an excuse to campaign any harder here.

Hasn’t been that bad overall but for the last couple of eps of the most recent season I needed to switch over to closed captioning. Mostly because the bombastic orchestra wouldn’t let up for even a picosecond.

This is one of those times it’s inconvenient to be agnostic, because it’d be spiffy to know that however much Bill and Camille are getting away with being a rapist and an enabler respectively, there’s a nice warm spot in hell waiting for the both of them.

How long before the GOP launches an impeachment attempt?