Yaba Bana

The last thing I want when I’m depressed and don’t want to go anywhere is for someone to come into MY space with soup and company, no matter how delicious the soup or how charming the company. When I want to be alone, that’s just what I want: aloneness.

Ok. So I am a white Eastern European by origin who’s been to America like two times. And I felt empowered by that video and that performance - even if it has literally zero to do with me or my “struggle”.

I’m over crochetty old white people talking shit about Beyoncé and Cam Newton this morning. Dear fellow white people:


Me too!!! I consider myself a super feminist but have always thought this was a silly distraction from stuff that matters.

Maybe it’s just me, but I never looked at a Barbie doll and thought “I want to be that skinny with big boobs and a small butt.” Ever. I was a skinny, scrawny kid who grew up to be a curvy, big-boobed girl with an ass and hips. I don’t look back at my Barbie as some sort of “figure” I needed to achieve. I was just

Calm down there, Satan.

Cheers to Colbert for having him on his show. I’m happy to see Colbert staying as politically/culturally relevant as he can instead of turning into a mindless host who cares only about celebrities and viral moments (looking at you, Fallon).

Those towels are perfectly hung.

To me a tri colour flag over my selfie just didn’t seem an appropriate way to pay respect to the dead. I understand some people use it to show solidarity and to them it might mean something else so I have no issue with anyone doing it. My issue was more with people using it to get likes. I think a girl on my brothers