I just felt this was worth sharing.
I just felt this was worth sharing.
I am dead. She told that bitch she would walk her like a dog. I can’t even. This is savage as fuck.
How much does Cardi B usually charge for a Dog Walk? Surely some impressario out there will get on this.
I still think she can’t rap but I have no qualms on giving CardiB her props in dealing with Toxic Listeria.
Tonsil Lavage deserves every bad thing she'll hopefully experience in her life.
Goodbye Toenail Lunch...
Are ya ready, kids?
I hadn’t seen the follow-up tweet from Cardi until now......wow. Perfection.
When does Trashcan Tammy Lannister learn? Like you’re nothing. I thought she would’ve been quiet after the whole someone threw water at me debacle but I guess not. Sadly learning doesn’t seem to be something she’s good at.
Yup, I googled it and lost 20 minutes down the ratchet video rabbit hole.