
A friend of mine once tried to get my other friend in with the most amazing opening line. He started his pitch with, “How would you like to be driving your dream car? (Pause for effect) In college!” Needless to say almost 15 years later we never let him forget it.

Take it easy there Goose Gossage

This is why

Coach K is furious at Capel right now for not going up to Smith after the game and giving him a stern talking to about integrity and sportsmanship for that dunk with no time left.

Ken Williams just traded Kopech for Ryan Howard

Guy sound exactly like Billy Bob from Varsity Blues when he says 110.

Chip Kelly has to be getting this job. Why else fire your head coach over a month after your season ends? Why wait that long unless you have someone in the crosshairs already?

Am I the only one who is growing increasingly annoyed at the amount of field stormings that are happening? You’re the 2nd ranked team in the country playing a game you were favored to win. Act like it. Good god I’m sounding like Goose Gossage. I’m only 36 this isn’t supposed to be happening yet!

My brother knows a guy who sits on the White Sox board and he said that as long as Jerry Reinsdorf is part of the organization he will never commit to a rebuild since he’s so desperate for one more title. Not that it matters though cause even if we got a ton of prospects for Sale and Quintana, Ken Williams and Rick

On the flip side this is exactly what Tebow wants. We’re in the middle of the League Championship series, hockey has just started, basketball is about to tip off and here we are talking about how terrible Tim Tebow is and making up terrific headlines about him. Call it the Kardashian effect. Any publicity is good

Wait is there another Bartman?

Can we please stop referring to Sanders as a political outsider? How does spending the last 25 years in the House and Senate make him an outsider? I swear that was the political buzzword of this whole primary season.

When I was in college, one summer I interned at a local radio station in Macomb, IL which is home to Western Illinois University which used to be home to the St. Louis Rams training camp. I was able to score a media pass from our sports director for the entire training camp. That summer will go down as one of the best

I don't like it. People might think it's named after Gar Forman. And fuck that dude.

85 Bears winning Super Bowl XX