I'm with you on this one, but don't tell anyone, they might hit me.
I'm with you on this one, but don't tell anyone, they might hit me.
No need to wait for the completion of corporate buyouts. You can put on the Oculus Rift and use it to look at…
Yep, as always, the internet hate is from misinformed individuals who, in general, have no idea how the industry works. Ironically, I wouldn't doubt that the majority of people complaining probably also use Facebook on a regular basis. The Oculus Rift certainly started with a gaming focus during it's Kickstarter…
I just hope their algorithm is good enough to filter out bad ratings from people who are upset you beat them in a game. It happens way more than it should
The amount of people in this video who are willing to fuck around near train tracks is infuriating.
Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet.
And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its…
I like Windows 8, but only because its desktop mode is basically Windows 7 with faster boot times. The thought of…
I've been to Montreal once, smoked meat and bagels. Damn they got good food.
I can even smell the corruption! (hey yo)
I'm a Montrealer and it DOES look like Montreal. You can see Place Ville-Marie and 1000 de La Gauchetiere buildings.
While it's easy to get carried away and think you'll be spending your entire Assassin's Creed IV experience walking…
Steam is a fantastic service—of that, there's no doubt. It's so good, that many PC gamers use it as a filter of…
Excitement for this game aside (I got it on Tuesday but due to work travel won't be able to play until tonight), I have to assume these guys passed high school. Maybe even college. That being said, there are more adjectives to use than "fuckin." Maybe that's their gig, but it's hard to sound any less intelligent than…
I just keep saying "your degree is in your grasp" over and over to myself to get through the days.
Both of them are wrong. I work in retail, and that's no way to treat a customer at all; HOWEVER, it takes a lot of self-restraint to deal with this shit day, after day, after day, after day, after day, and she probably snapped. Sure, that's still not a good reason, but I can at least see where she is coming from. I've…
... with his lips!
The supply of unique, high-quality games being developed for Gamers is too great. Greater than the total demand for those games, as measured by dollars spent on (non-used) copies. That is why studios get shut down. That is why people get laid off. That is why developers move to free-to-play. Gamers like you and me are…
Possibly the best-looking game of E3, the next-gen epic from the makers of Halo now also has a new…