I'm sure it's available nowhere and they are leaving that message because it is easier for us to understand and/or not complain....while them saying "the contest has not started yet, please try again at a later time" would be easier.
I'm sure it's available nowhere and they are leaving that message because it is easier for us to understand and/or not complain....while them saying "the contest has not started yet, please try again at a later time" would be easier.
Please tell me that they'll one day release a digimon game on psvita. I've played digimon world 3 ever since it came out and have been waiting for something new. If they add digimon world 3 to the ps store I'd be happy as well...just give me something, I don't like resorting to emulators.
I guess the US is the only country available to submit something because the site says that the competition is unavailable in my country....Canada...C'mon
I said what i said because i played them...spiderman i wasn't a fan of (it just didn't sit right with me). Thanks for mentioning wolverine, i actually liked that one, but like i said "in a while". I know that's a vague statement but it just means that I'm pleased for the first time in about...2 years I'd say.
I felt like it was way to automated...aim was fixed and the game wasn't as free roaming as anticipated. I could have just had my expectations too high on other games and too low on this one.
I also read the review made by Polygon: http://www.polygon.com/game/deadpool/….
I prefer challenging games :D I'm quite bored of repetition and simple mechanics
Welp...i know what I'm playing tonight...and i might not be a journalist but i will definitely post something about it.
couldn't find it...
The guys building the game are very well experienced to not disappoint the community supporting them. Their background is one reason I'm so excited.
You have no idea....the modding community will be massive which will drive the game forward at a crazy pace. I personally am making a new race with weapons and buildings.
Captain: It's the whale i spoke of mates! PREPARE THE SPREARS!
I had it and enjoyed it very much. I had it on ps3 making the controls very difficult when building things...took way to long. I use Qubicle for pc and it cuts the time by 90%.
I really can't wait to play this game. Not only for the gameplay and colorful world but also for the possibilities.
according to my co-worker at an EB Games the ps4 is outselling (pre-order) the Xbox One 5 to 1. It all depends of the areas.
When i play RPGs, for about a year now, I've been role-playing with my friends. It's fun and in some cases helps me understand things within the game faster. Overall i'd say its fun, and in destiny i can imagine it being quite entertaining.
In all honesty it's only going to make their service better. Dedicated servers will become more common and Sony will probably be able to provide better game discounts/giveaways per month.
I love the emphasis. They had the best way to certify the sales of the console and made sure everyone was sure.
i have a slight feeling they had the restriction as well until they saw the attack put onto Microsoft and took the opportunity.
Haha nice, i went back to the image to check where was the cup holder....then i realized my lack of perception....well played
This annotation is just way to small to point out how rich this world looks. I like the design used in this game, as a station it seems very appropriate in design. The game isn't overly Sci-Fi which makes it feel that much more immersive and believable since we can put ourselves in that same position. If they keep…