
ya, i agree...no reason banning it but i personally can't see why you would use the google glass for porn.

haha well no, but i just feel this form of technology needs some sort of management

good. I'm glad google is taking charge on the subject. The original purpose of the google glass, by my understanding, is to make your life easier on a more professional level. Managing the things that will be put on the device will definitely make the product better.

cool, i'll look into that

simply being able to play in first person actively greatly changes the outcome of this games potential and uniqueness.

The total seemed reasonable. i especially liked the bonus round.

Creepy! but cool...could you imagine the explosion of legos when thrown.

well shit, im sorry for the spam of comments...the publishing system was bugged and never showed up as posted on my end.

Well, of course you have the capability to adjust privacy settings. If you couldn't do that you'd be violating tones of rights, also its common sense, imo, to give you the ability to adjust those settings. Microsoft has always been flexible that way.

Well, of course you have the capability to adjust privacy settings. If you couldn't do that you'd be violating tones of rights, also its common sense, imo, to give you the ability to adjust those settings. Microsoft has always been flexible that way.

Well of course they have a way for you to adjust privacy settings. If they didn't allow that to be possible could you imagine the chaos involving the company?

I wonder what would happen if you incase the laser in a glass tube (as if it were a lightsaber). Would the laser bounce back and damage the container?

Now that is great and is on my list of things to buy

As an Urban Planner, the blueprint map might actually be quite freaking cool :D...but not worth 150$ alone for me....one day, one day.

definitely fresh,

bahaha i love how misleading the headline is and how everyone was expecting to see beautiful people.

I agree, as long as I can get a good share of quality games, I'm satisfied.

I'm happy to see the Vita starting to grow. When I got my Vita i was in love with the design and playability, more than my 3DS. Yes the Vita is lacking in games but in the upcomig year that'll change with the large amount of indie developers making Vita versions of their games (ex: Binding of Isaac, Hotline Miami,

I don't quite get what you got from my comment. I know what a Rube Goldberg is and the machine above isn't like a Rube Goldberg (RG). RG are meant to be long and intricate, and simply complete a small task. The machine above works to remove the need of having to change a disc yourself. You really can't compare the two

Let me go make a cup of coffee while my disc changes.

It may be cool and well made but waayyyyyy to slow to be any bit practical.