
This guy does crazy things with lasers you should all visit his youtube account. Sadly he doesn't provide instructions to make :( but that's understandable

the line needs to be made clear between small and insignificant...this Madam is insignificant.

welp, not yet at least

if i'm not mistaken, after chapter 500 he stated that he was half way, which means another 500 weeks, which is nearly a full 10 years

the same exact thing happened with the manga after the author/artist 2 week break last year

The "dogs" in the video look like shrimp. It would be great to have one as a companion in the game.

I would have very much liked a vita version in North America, but its alright i'll just be able to play on my sofa...yay.

i'm aware, but i imagine him with the same face playing games

I've never seen a man so into his games...that face says it all

Now that's how a city building game should be, no limits (in borders) and very fluid.

I've met him at my workplace a few times. He's a nice guy, i can only see him doing this for the joy of seeing people get mad. I don't blame him, i'd do the same in his position.

i'll be having tones of fun this weekend :)

thank you. i never use the tile features because i simply tap the windows button and type what i want. which is exactly the same way i used windows 7. in fact windows 8 does it better. organizing myself in 8 is easier.

i don't think it'll be like the first but it might be good

nice video :p i guess their path finding programming sucks to the core...if only they make the AI change path according to density of said path.

I've played over 24 hours and have 5 cities fully developed, i'm happy with the game, i feel bad for everyone who hasn't been able to play.

in Canada. forgot to add that

its still EB Games over here :D

i love how people complain about 8gb of ram. look how they pushes 518mb of ram from current consoles, image what they can do with the next gen. i know for a fact that the next gen games will do great and the next gen consoles will perform well. clearly their first years won't be great but its definitely something that

i couldn't agree more