
VOTE: Trillian Astra

I am an old fart who started using email back int he early 90's. BBS email gateways, then telnet, now Outlook.

How odd. We just made ice cream this evening. Cookies and cream, vanilla ice cream with Oreos in it. Rival electric ice cream maker.


OpenDNS is an extremely useful tool. Over and above the fact that it can help speed up response time a bit, the filtering and network management tools available to registered users (FREE registration) are perfect for most needs.

@WitchfinderGeneral: Open refers to the fact that anyone can use it. The search is not a hijack, is clearly stated and described on the web site. If it were a hijack, it would force you to use it, no one is forcing anyone to use the OpenDNS service. Please, don't feed the drama hype. sounds like the whole Google

Been using this for a while, and in my opinion, because of the folks who created it and the attitude on their forums, this is my contender for the best Windows tweaker.

@Charging Mooses: I just put hinges on the floormat piece we used, and they push through easily. We got them from the animal shelter as kittens, so they just adapted to the home.

We hide the litterboxes in the utility room. I cut a small cat door in the swinging door that leads from our kitchen to the utility room, covered it with a piece cut from an old car floormat.

Thia has quickly become my twitter client of choice. I have been using it for a few months, it's powerful and easy. Makes me love my Outlook 2007 again!

I have used Ditto for years. It's one of the first things I install when reformatting. It works, period.

Vote: Ditto

VOTE: Terracopy

John's Background Switcher also incorporates this functionality, and places a calendar in your specified desktop location.

Vote: Dell Inspiron Mini 10

@y0himba: By the way, I was converting to Playstation 3 format.

It took me 38 minutes to convert a DVD quality mpg that was about 43 minutes long. Not only that, but it pegged all four of my cores (Q6600 Intel Quad Core) at 100% that entire time. Needs a bit of optimizing.

\o/ Yes!

Thank you SO much! Works perfectly.