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    Change our names please! I’m not the same person as I was in 2006! I’ll F%*&ing pay for it if need be!

    It was some damned 17 year old kid who made finding online games a little harder than normal on my xmas break. Uncool kid, uncool.

    Awesome video.

    Good point.

    Worst review ever.

    Good call. It sucks when a game is so mastered that you HAVE to buy certain items. It makes the game rigid and ruins player creativity and fun in my mind.

    +1 for people you’ve heard online, this was one of the best seasons without question!

    wow, I remember staring at that chart for hours. The best part about that game was making characters!

    There didn’t seem to be any doubt, she killed him. Maybe they just ran out of blood budget for that episode.

    exactly what I thought when I saw that pic

    Both of the runners lowered their shoulders in a half assed attempt to run into her. Because it was half assed they got knocked on their ass. If the catcher is blocking your path to the plate you take them out

    I didn’t check and had this guy who seemed to kick ass, then he started having kids and they all had asthma. I checked, yea he had asthma.

    I once got up in the morning, did a bunch of drugs around 10AM, popped in Red Dead Revolver and next thing I knew it was 8PM and I finished it.

    What is this “retard wizard in the forest”? Sounds good, I want to donate.

    The Matrix ruined sci fi cuz it sucked so bad

    Doesn’t matter, but you cannot beat Portal in less than 2 hours.

    On top of that, the game is free

    None of us know shit about what they were up to, me especially. But I don’t doubt they killed each other, why wouldn’t they? But also, isn’t as likely or more that an animal did that. Like it was hunting some big prey and got stuck in the head by a horn or hoof or something.

    I’m old and this is fucking hilarious! Why are you on a gaming site reading articles about teabagging if you’re so mature? You are an inferior, no fun, old fart. We’re all glad you have zero interest in playing games that you suck at n00b grandpa.

    You should get the loss. You caused your teammates to play 2v3 cuz your aol dialup.