How does that, pragmatically, help with anything?
How does that, pragmatically, help with anything?
Does that wipe away any accountability for the Uber Rich? Explain how my family doctor perpetuates racial and class division.
Why does the Upper Middle Class get shit on so much when the uber rich cut the check for everything in this country?
You’ll have to ask Cincinnati about that one.
You should start an activist Twitter hash tag to give Peter King a traffic citation.
You’re going to forget about this literally 10 minutes from now. Life’s too short.
Why are these women “fly”, Megan?
Fart jokes are still the worst.
Never set any goals either?
Y tho?
Timberlake-Fallon 2k16. Other world leaders would be continuously starstruck that they are hanging with two of the world’s coolest people.
You get over it.
You libs think the dumbest things are cool
You wouldn’t do the same for your next of kin?
Excellent nuance right there
Aren’t libs anti-generalization?
Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimized by Donald Trump.
Best Pokemon caught so far. Go!