
First of all, people, stop bitching. The prices we've been getting so far for handhelds has been due to lower production costs, but the 3DS is a much more powerful system. Wii games don't look as good and they're more expensive. PLUS you can play these anywhere. I've always considered handheld games worth more than

@neuroticgothguy: Heavy Rain would've kept my attention longer if they had decent voice acting. If the game is literally based around the story, then there should be movie-level acting. You may think that's asking a lot, but that's honestly only because it's an industry standard to have mediocre acting in games. If

@Aeros: I consider the best Let's Play to be Illbleed, mostly because I'd never be able to play that game, but it was legitimately enjoyable from a watching standpoint.

@GiantEnemyCat: People who play Farmville ARE gamers. It doesn't matter if they're playing GOOD games. That's irrelevant. They're playing a game, it's electronic, and they do it of their own free will. They're gamers. You can call them casual gamers if you'd like, but that doesn't mean they're not gamers in the

@WillyG15: Don't worry, there's enough room on television for 2 people to be unfunny.

If this is a common problem, I can see a drop in 3DS sales.

@King of Madness: That's humanity. Our dissatisfaction moves us forward.

@Realityflaw: I like gaming too, but it's not something that defines you, just as watching Project Runway doesn't make you a designer. It's a way to use your spare time, not something that should rule your life.

The game is perfect for the iPad. It demonstrates how the platform can be used in a way that doesn't work on the iPhone. If I didn't know better, I'd say the game was MADE for the iPad.

Look at that! Even one of his shoes is untied!

@Realityflaw: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The opposite is true too. Everything in moderation.

@Realityflaw: Music, you're usually doing something while listening to it. Books expand your imagination more than other mediums. Movies and TV I believe are just as bad. Of course, that's not what I'm arguing.

Honestly, most smart people that I've met have been attractive. Maybe it's just that I like to hang around people who are both attractive and smart, but I see the correlation pretty often.

Wow, there is CRAZY Kotaku backlash for this. First of all, although the study isn't perfect, it should make us think about how games have taken over the younger generation and that we should be more responsible than to let it eat up all of our free time. Anything that's not working our brains or bodies in a healthy

@NarooN: PS3-level tech is still expensive and it takes up a lot of room. My point still stands.

@NarooN: The PSP doesn't have the same exact tech as the PS2. In fact, it's a deal weaker. And yes, you could build a PC that's as powerful as a PS3. Good luck fitting it in your hands.

@NarooN: A: The PS2 was never nearly as expensive as the PS3. The PS2 started at $300. The PSP was $250 when it came out. $50 difference to launch prices, on a machine that's much easier to shrink down. Given that PS3s are still used as cheap supercomputers and they lose massive amounts of money on manufacturing them,

@hazelnut1112: Pokemon isn't in the spell check. It's capitalized, so it counts as a proper noun. Type it in lowercase and it says it's not a word.

@Theon: Picking a flower doesn't kill a plant. It dismembers them, which may cause death.