@epy0nkaru: New Jersey is cheaper?
@epy0nkaru: New Jersey is cheaper?
@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: I agree. I still think that it's a poor choice, considering all of the things that Nintendo does compared to other companies. Sure, they have some corruption, but all big companies do.
@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: Video games are a privilege, not a right. Most of the people making games for Nintendo did not make that decision. They're losing money too.
@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: Why are you against Nintendo? Because they made one business decision that you don't like?
@KLawliet: I looked it up on Google Maps. It's like half an hour from the city. They're just showing the closest big cities next to the locations.
As I see it, video games can be art and they can be entertainment. If you want to appreciate it as art, you should try to immerse yourself in it as much as possible, try to sink yourself into your character. If you want to appreciate it as entertainment, do whatever makes you have more fun. You have no artistic…
@Yukichin: Oh, sorry, read that wrong.
@Helba: Hubris is Humorous.: Okay, now that's just a poor excuse for pirating. You can feel that it's unfair and MAYBE legitimize pirating games that are impossible to play with what you have, but downright stealing what is perfectly available to you? You're not sticking it to them. It won't hurt them in their…
@tramplerofarmies: That WOUld make the most sense, given that it has easy access to the eyes and the nostrils. Wait a second. I just realized that Yoshis have no ears. Or...do they hear out of their head spikes?
I know that Yoshis are not the smartest things in the Mushroom Kingdom, but I'm pretty sure they have brains.
When I was in Japan for the last two weeks, I only saw 3 things in people's hands. Cell phones, books, one or two DSs and PSPs. I glanced over at everyone's PSPs to see what they were playing. Every single one was Monster Hunter.
@Mikekearn has an overly long username: I'm joking and I also exercise. I know that injury and illness are two different things, but I couldn't change the set-up.
@Mikekearn has an overly long username: The only injury I can sustain is heart disease.
It's like she went outside and jumped! I remember those days. Those days before video games.
@kasplat: It depends on what you mean by "most" psychology. What you're probably thinking of is theories. Every science is full of theories. The theories in psychology are more widely known than other sciences because they are more difficult to test.
@thesinginghatchet: When you get good at Peggle, you can do amazing things. With Angry Birds, it stays pretty much the same.
@BystanderLC: I showed her Kirby and she hated playing. Couldn't understand that she need to jump to throw an enemy at another one on a higher platform. Seriously, she does not learn in the same way I do.
@ThisLife17: I think that not having an accident is an even better reward for not having an accident.
I don't know how to put this lightly, but my girlfriend is bad at doing...new things. Whenever I show her a game, she's fascinated, but largely uninterested with actually PLAYING it. She becomes easily frustrated and every road block is something she curses audibly at. The only thing she seems to enjoy is Bejeweled 3.…
@bloggerX: Mario RPG: the weirdest of franchises. Seriously, what other franchise breaks in two when they can't get back with the original developers?