
Every MSM sucks. NPR, Al jazeera seems to be pretty good compared to the MSM we have..

@THE.MAC.GOD: Actually it doesn't look as good as recent nokias. Yes iPhones camera pictures are better than the rest of the htc, Samsung. But Nokia really has an upper edge with their Carl Zeiss lens and 12 MP camera.

@reuthermonkey: Panaromic photos were already there through apps and before that jailbreaks. Every single feature android fanboys keep mentioning were there 3 years ago via jailbreak. Chances are android is copying those jail-broken features. Multi-tasking? wifi sync? gvoice integration? themes? widgets everything.

"you mean American "

"because they just bomb the shit out of their own people for reasons that are probably know only by them. "

@Boraxo: Barack HUSSEIN Obama FTW

@Gatis Gailitis: Actually its the whites who have killed each other like no other. WW1, WW2 over 100 million in the span of 2,3 decades.

Okay this is going to far. First they say he used women as a shield and later they redacted the statement. And now they talk about porn stash. He was a god-damned billionaires son he could have thousands of these virgins if he wanted to. This story seems fishy.

@Curves: Here is TEDtalks speaker Lesley Hazleton talking about the myth of 72 virgins and its nowhere in the Quran.

@Luis Mazza: He was christian by the way. And you are a racist idiot.

If I had that much money I would do it. But its kinda disappointing that they wouldn't land and let you walk...

@Priper: 72 Virigin thing is made up mass media bullsh*t. Here is a TEDtalks Lesley Hazelton explaining it. You will be surprised how much is made up.

I traveled all over the world and these watches are very common watches. There is something seriously wrong with the intelligence. It seems like idiots are on charge in the intelligence community. Virtually everyone in poor countries wear those Casio watches cause they are cheap. You go to India,Vietnam, any country

@randlsa: Wow you had to bring Islam into an article about porn ,WTF is wrong with you?

No i don't need 40 flashlight apps but I do need awesome games, panorama pictures(photosynth), edit movie, take 3d pictures which I can use to print with a 3d printer.. etc etc.

@lazerus72: Statistically white males are overwhelmingly likely to be serial killers.

@alamy42: I think he is a Caucasian since serial killing is more of a Caucasian thing according to statistics. Along with the fact that he drives a truck and is very good at not leaving enough evidence compared to the rest of the serial killers.

@Klatt: who ever made this is a liar.