
Oh no doubt she was raped, I'm not disputing that.

The show was bashed for its sexism even more than usual for that scene, to the point where one publication, *cough* TheMarySue* *cough*, went as far as saying that they'd stopping covering GoT entirely.

So let's see if the internet will get up in arms about a newborn baby being mauled to death, as they were about Sansa being raped last season.

Hadn't decided to murder him yet.

Everyone in the Night's Watch knows that the Whitewalkers are out there, they just hate the Wildings more.

Davos is right to be on the defensive. Thorne is not a man you can trust. He more than likely wouldn't live up his word.

Mellisandre has had better days.

Textbook history 101.


This is so funny because it's so true.

Yeah, sadly nothing came of that.

This show, this show man … it's everything.

Same damn thing people said about Rick and Michonne.

Although the Walking Dead season finale leaves everything up in the air, at least Michonne and Rick actually got together. It's not much, but it counts for something at least.

And that's what hurts the most. This show has TREMENDOUS potential, but the producers keep making the same stupid mistakes (and more), time and again.

I agree, I felt the shame. One of the few redeeming things about that episode.

Rick in the comics and Rick in the show met Negan under very different circumstances. Last night, Rick had every reason to look terrified. He was outwitted at every turn by an enemy he had grossly underestimated.

TWD is nowhere near in discussion with GoT. I rebuke that comment.

Sadly, it'll probably be Aaron .. or Sasha.

It's not even Andrew Lincoln's fault, it's all the writers. Lincoln does a great job of working with the script he's given.