
I'm getting real tired of Daenerys and her sense of entitlement. She's are the rightful heir to nothing; her family was dethroned long ago.

I shouldn't be laughing but lmaooooooo!

Oh God I missed this show.

I honestly thought Theresa was a host, one under the board's control. Never saw Bernard coming.

I'm in love with this album! "Holy" is definitely my favourite track.

Wait what? Jon's an excellent leader and he's great at getting people to follow him. And he's a great commander when he doesn't get emotionally involved.

He's still a bastard as I doubt Rhaegar and Lyanna were married.

Nah, there are actually people like that. If it's not adapted word for word, scene by scene, then it's garbage.

Bran is going ruin everything for everyone.

The Northerners sure do pounce on every opportunity to secede themselves from the Iron Throne don't they?

The Karstarks are still a problem. Will they declare again for the Starks? Also, are there any Umbers left?

It just hit me that this season is done. And now I'm sad. What will I watch next? Preacher? Pssh.

Somehow, I kinda wished it was Sansa who would have made a power move to firstly declare herself Queen in the North, and secondly, legitimize Jon. But what the hell, Jon's King now, he can legitimize himself.

I wonder is Arya will meet Lady Stoneheart in the Riverlands. A guy can only hope.

Jamie is definitely going to drive a literal sword into her back.

8000 men won't be enough for a combined North and however many tens of thousands soldiers Dany has.

I was wondering what could have possibly topped the epic moment of Jon being crowned King in the North, But Dany finally setting sail really did it. This show knows how to do epic and do it well.

You better not let her hear you say that.

Now that Cersei is Queen (again), I wonder what she'll do since both the North and the Iron Islands have declared themselves independent (again).

Wished Margaery didn't die. Bummer. I'll miss her smirk.