Or the less serious "Ballad of Chasey Lane" by the Bloodhound Gang xD
Or the less serious "Ballad of Chasey Lane" by the Bloodhound Gang xD
The two things I got from this video is:
Solid gold right here
As opposed to laughing with your ____
I'm so fucking excited to get both parts on steam!!!!!!!!!! (expletive necessary).
At Hot Topic. They have a couple cool Zelda shirts right now:
I've noticed that Japan usually has numbers in it's sequels, especially when renaming movies/games from other countries.
It's always calm before the storm, darkest before dawn, etc., etc. (storm, dawn, & etc. = steam winter sale).
Off topic, but I really enjoyed the first two movies. It was interesting to see the death note story go the complete opposite way as the manga (probably so they wouldn't have to try and fit the first L half of the manga in one movie and the whole latter Near half in a second movie).
And Shia LaBeef!
Much badass
When jobs are said in sentences that start with: "Now, back in MY day..." Or in days of yore.
Might be referring to region lock
From what I got from this article, it's more about showing their passion for consoles to Sony (and Microsoft when they wait for the Xbone) and the world because Korea is a PC dominated country.
I wished that rpg one came out in the USA because I love rhythm games but even more so when they are combined with story/rpg mechanics!!!
Probably never because Rockstar hates free $$$
Grab that Orange Box in the Gamefly build a Valve bundle if you haven't yet!!!
Here is an interesting response to that:
"All according to keikaku..."