
I love how I already know what Bender says without watching the video xD

I think he was denied the conversion into being a Rastafarian, so his whole plan went down the drain lol.

US only??? Well I'll go make my own contest. With blackjack, and hookers!

Moon shotting

Awesome article, thank you!!!

The logic of every human male.

(Warning, biased fanboy comment ahead): It's so amazing I can't put it into words.

Soup or salad?


Wtf, why are so many people saying age 66 is young??? I'll be happy if I live to 50 >_>

The inclusion of B'z really blew my mind. I can't wait to play it!!!

"Click Clack"

Here's to the 1% chance of a PC release of this game! Even if they want to wait a year to maximize console sales, I will always be waiting...forever...

Guys, should I get Pokemon X/Y digitally or physically?

Seeing all those tapes bouncing on the ground makes me think a katamari is going to roll through and pick them all up!

Nope, just typical 2ch lol

why does this remind me of bobobo bobobobobo bobobo (spelling may not be correct)

Not on the clock

Hahahaha wtf, this picture made me laugh out loud because of it's ridiculousness xD