
Needs some Golden Sun!

Columbia separated from America so the fat people are still on the ground.

Just make a bookmark folder of all the Bioshock Infinite articles and then read them when you are done with the game. That's what I did.

You make it sound so easy. It would be extremely expensive to get "indefinite" liscenses for popular music.



Above the comments in the linked article, Rockstar says that these screens are from current gen consoles.

Lol that is evil!

This isn't a story mission, it's random side mission where everything shown is entirely the actions of the player. If you wanted, you could have continued to flee the cops without shooting them. On the flipside, you could have killed the attacker before he fled.

10/10, would read/review again.

I used to hate it, but then I realized it's mainly to show the average person that this game is not a game for their home console. All handheld game trailers are like that.

If anyone is looking for Rock Band 3 instruments, Mad Catz (the official RB3 peripheral creator) is having a huge sale.

Mad Catz (the company who makes RB3 instruments) is having a huge sale on all their RB3 peripherals.

The dub for Catherine was extremely well done, imo. I used to be extremely picky about dubs and would never give them a chance, but I decided to give them a try and now I end up liking at least half (whether it's games, movies, or anime).

I agree with what GMockingJay said about gamer girls. We are all people who enjoy video games! Do we need a separate "con" for each race, gender, and sexuality? No.

Because most Americans see music games as "just a fad" or a box of gimmicks. I've been playing them for years and it was awesome when all my friends jumped on the bandwagon when Guitar Hero became popular, but now I'm the only one left.


Now do this with HeartGold & SoulSilver. I did find some interesting DS hacks to change the perspective, but they were glitchy.

Just like how guitars did when K-On became popular.

Definitely. I've been mentioning this every time GTA III or Vice City for iOS gets brought up.