This is my fave
This is my fave
That is show is so entertaining. I love it!
Yeah I agree on that. Playing the tetris melody is pretty basic, but I guess it's all about presentation.
He most likely created the backing track. He is on youtube playing other "weird" instruments so you definitely see his skill (like on the theremin).
I thought it was at first. This is such a great manga. It can go on forever too because each person he meets can create a minor story arc.
I thought of the same thing.
Comment of the month right here.
Wow this cracked me up. It looks like some cheesy photoshop!
Monster Hunter definitely.
Wow it wasn't at all! I burst out laughing when I read your comment.
Wish this would make a come back.
Also the Gorillaz and hide from X Japan.
The build shown in the trailer was actually for PS3 but then they switched platforms.
Can't wait for team horse deathmatch
Dat music...
Definitely. Dark humor is the best.
I love this so much.
The maid costume will be the best.
Rattata's hp didn't even drop...come on.