It is up to the developers. Ruin and Motorstorm RC will automatically give you a digital copy of the other version of the game you buy. I hope more people do this.
It is up to the developers. Ruin and Motorstorm RC will automatically give you a digital copy of the other version of the game you buy. I hope more people do this.
Not really. Transfarring is just copying a megabyte save file to the Vita and vice versa. Remote play is streaming a whole game to the Vita wirelessly from the PS3. There is a huge difference. The PSP could barely do it mostly because lag issues. I hear the the Vita has lag issues also.
Check this out: []
Please write a novella, as this was very engrossing...
Even if you stopped at Gen 2, you would have to come back for the amazing remakes!!! No one can resist them!!!
Some companies are doing this awesome thing where if you buy the Vita version or the PS3 version, you will automatically get the other for free. I think ruin has that and Motorstorm RC. I hope it becomes a norm because I think more people would buy a Vita.
I really love Kairosoft, all their games are so amazing!!! I really hate it when people try to knock them and say that they are "just a fad" or Mega Mall Story is a rip-off of Tiny Tower. All these games were made for PC and old phones in Japan long before the iPhone so they need to shut up. They stick to their roots…
For some reason Samurai Shamploo is in my head and I remembered some of the American baseball players were that I checked it was only two lol. But I've only noticed they do the bad stereotypes when the American characters are supposed to be annoying. Beck portrayed them as loud and pushy.
It's always hilarious to see Americans in anime...blond hair, blue eyes, loud, and fat (men) or prada (women). Perfect!
Every PSP game played on the Vita will have the ability to remap the buttons to the second analog stick.
What do you mean? It's in development...
That would be so awesome. Or maybe implement some sort of DLC system because they have a huge backlog of songs from the online DJ Max game also.
A lot were good in gen 5, but any pokemon made out of garbage is bull...I cannot stand that one.
The only song which I don't mind a word repeated over and over again.
Clazziquai and Epik High...that would be so amazing! I was so hyped for DJ Max Clazziquai Edition, but I wish there was more songs by them in it...
There is no need to bring anything back. Rock Band DLC is all I need!!!
How isn't it vague? You can compare the sales of any game with any CD.
Don't be dissing Rock Band. You can't compare the sales of a video game to a CD, it's to vague. I meant that his music has already been in a video game.
I can't wait for DJ Max Technika for the Vita!!!
What about Rock Band?