
With all the other editors/ writers getting farewell roastings and the email circulated that G/O writers can’t even mention Splinter, it was totally ended because spanfeller is a little bitch 

Pour one out for Splinter.

Eat shit, Spanfeller

Oh my goodness I miss Splinter SO MUCH!!!!! 

That’s a very good question. RIP Splinter.

Candy corn. Nothing comes close. Everyone bitches about it, but it’s the only candy exclusive to Halloween. People who say it sucks are the same people who turn off their porch lights for trick or treating.

Candy corn. Nothing comes close. Everyone bitches about it, but it’s the only candy exclusive to Halloween. People

The fact that they didn’t even get a farewell post just felt like an extra gut punch for absolutely no reason.

I wish your shithead executives would let you and your readers publicly mourn Splinter. It is missed.

Aw, shit, I hadn’t seen this news. That fucking sucks. I thought the repost of the venture capital blog across a couple of sites was odd, but now it makes sense. Best of luck to the Splinter staff.

your corporate overlords suck.

No jokes or Remembering of Guys for me this week — just a genuine thanks to Drew, and Roth, and Marchman (and everyone that’s guested in the Deadcast over the years) for keeping this podcast going. I actually get mildly irritated when you do a re-cast because I look forward to the weekly episode that much. (Please,

Yeah, this is a bad take. His version of “scaling back” still meets or exceeds the workload of every other candidate.

Political revolution is exactly what we need to fight the full throated corruption and graft of the republicans and the “soft” corruption of the politicians that only care about the money of lobbyists.

No, she sucked.

Yeah it isn’t at all HRC’s fault she lost to a bumbling dipshit like Trump. Ok sure.

How about just for the fact that she just about ran the laziest, most out of touch, arrogant campaign like ever?

It also took Hillary not personally campaigning in Wisconsin and Michigan — the two states that cost her those votes. But, let’s never fault queen Hillary when one can deflect and blame other people for her faults.

Clinton is literally the only Democratic nominee that would lose to Trump worse than Biden. 

Because Obama looked like a real agreeable person on certain policies but then reverted to centrism on those policies. There’s great reason to learn this lesson, instead of repeating the same decade old wrong take “so what?” If you were around, you maybe would know so what. You can get the same policies, with someone