
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. A gajillion times yes.

That, and the fact that she’s just not as progressive or charismatic as, say, Sanders or Warren.

Without universal health care, we have no hope of being a civilized nation. It’s way past time to join the developed world.

So I am sure the DCCC’s new rules to punish campaign workers who help challenge incumbents will equally protect progressive incumbents, right? Right?

Political dynasties are a cancer that needs to disappear. They never produce anything good.

Bernie has pushed the conversation left and forced those who take the money of rich donors over the concerns and hopes of the people defend their actions. That is the gold standard. We need sweeping progressive reform and we needed it decades ago. The “slow rollout” of change hinted at by the centrists is long past

“As Crenshaw notes, the interaction was clearly set up to be on video.”

Poor little fascist snowflake gets “ambushed”. He’s a bully and a fucking coward that hates the people he served with and abuses the power the people have given him to reward the greed and prejudice of assholes like Trump.

Bet he didn’t see that coming.

The response from WFP is 100% misdirection. They begin by pointing out how diverse the leadership is, as though that somehow makes it impossible for the leadership to have massively outsized influence on the the outcomes of party votes. Then they lean on the fact that they’re receiving harassment, as though this

The response from WFP is basically, “How dare you question how this all went down when our leadership is [insert identity groups here]? Oh, and by the way, internet randos are getting all up in our mentions, so it looks like this answers any and all questions about the vote tallies!”

I think that ‘fake news’ and the media being Bernie’s enemy is hyperbole BUT if people honestly believe that the media gives Bernie and his platform equal time and respect as other candidates and that it doesn’t take part in bad faith arguments about him and his platform i would say they are ignoring it or just don’t

Man I can’t wait to see the DSCC come after him with all the fury they bring against all of the AOC style challengers. I wonder who he’ll use since they’re going to freeze out any vendors or consultants who help primary Democrats. Because they're certainly going to do that here, and it's totally not just something to

In the rest of the civilized world, people like Sanders and Warren are the center. Our politics are so poisoned by the minority rule of the Electoral College, the Senate and gerrymandering and the lobbying bribes and toxic right wing propaganda (Fox et. al.) of evil billionaires that we are skewing far right.

I like Warren just fine for a Dem (so not very much, but certainly better than most of her party), but I gotta say: “Eat the rich” and “vote for the ‘capitalist to [her] bones’” are somewhat...contradictory programs.

For some reason, we are so worried about civility. I mean its not like colonists didn’t tar and feather loyalists, or tip a shit ton of tea into the ocean to protest the crown🤷‍♀️

Why isn’t this happening to trump?

Pivoting hard... to word salad?