
I mean, that rhetoric also sounds suspiciously similar to centrist Dems telling Progs to “get in line”, does it not?

A better response is, “Meghan, your party is hell-bent on re-electing Trump, anyone you’d like to work with to prevent that?”

Bipartisanship for Republicans just means Democrats shutting up and voting on whatever terrible bill they’re trying to push through lest they be accused of being troop hating socialists. 

Good list, but I’d be careful with r/dataisbeautiful, there’s a lot of bullshit that people eat up there because it looks pretty.

You have feeling better to look forward to! Stay strong, be patient, it sucks but it’ll be behind you soon enough. Then go live a little, be a little selfish... you earned it. All the best.

Today is the 2-year anniversary since my 2nd surgery for colon cancer (the one where the docs put me back together), and I’ve recently begun to declare to those in my circle that I am finally feeling like I’m 100%... the slow heal of the GI system has allowed me to return to full function, including my job duties.


I would say that you’re describing the majority of politicians in the DNC that have been elected before 2012. Not necessarily the Frank/HRC parts, but the ‘hey kids, I’m suddenly very concerned about your leftist feelings. Please excuse me while I sign these fat corporate checks.’

There was never any real solidity to her candidacy or politics — she used to be very conservative for a Dem, then attempted to woke her way into the left via criticizing Franken and HRC and offering a few (decent) policy proposals, but by then mainline Dems were furious w/her over the Franken/HRC shit and the

The paper of record everybody! 

Talking about the Tea Party without talking about racism is like talking about the Lemon Party without talking about old man balls.

Jesus Christ, Laura! The body isn’t even cold yet!

Thank you for staying laser focused on sports by breaking down his swing. I’d be upset if I was tricked into reading about international geopolitical events on Deadspin.

Joe Walsh to primary Trump.

So on Monday can we expect to see Worst Foods to Barf?

Mehdi is good as hell. Greenwald is someone who should be listened to on Brazil and ignored on everything else.

Greenwald is kinda the catalyst of their Brazil coverage though. He’s absolute dogshit on literally everything else and belongs on the “pay no mind” list, with the exception of Brazil where he should absolutely be listened to.

Greenwald was not a great lawyer, but he did do some good journalism and the Intercept does great work (see the Bolsanaro coverage). Greenwald actively harms it through his terrible takes.

Mehdi rules. I know there are a lot of Intercept haters here. But please separate Greenwald from Hasan. The former was a great lawyer and journalist who went bonkers. The latter is a great journalist.

Oh and ladies, whoever you are, when Hasan ran down the examples, that was your queue to leave the set. Devastating.