
They want to blame everyone but the professionals responsible. Clinton was a bad candidate, empirically. We had an election and know the results. She lost to an unpopular literal racist orange clown.

nothing fires up your base like a sundowning old fart!

Shut the fuck up, Tomato.

Oh fuck off

Bernie: *Writes a book that nets him millions of dollars*

The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law...” which means there is no federal law at all!

I’m so fucking tired of this slobbering bullshit argument from gun nuts. No shit a person has to pull the trigger. Nobody thinks guns are getting up and murdering people by themselves. But you know what’s really hard to do? Pull the trigger on a gun you don’t have.

This was my recent I-suppose-the-internet-really-is-worth-it revelation:

I am amazed that people like Sanders and Warren, who are clearly articulating ideas and plans are being edged out of media attention for members of the same-old same-old squad.  

If the people of this country elect anyone other than Sanders — up to and including not providing a landslide which would render irrelevant the election fuckery which will no doubt take place — then you deserve whatever happens to you.

I’ll just repost my comment from yesterday:

If this becomes a generic sports website, I. AM. OUT.

Given today’s news, I wanted to voice my appreciation for this post that is decidedly not about sports.

His advice: Get a federal permit to kill one of the vultures, then hang it in a tree or other spot where other vultures can see it for miles around.

That’s what these assholes thrive on. Their support base is too fucking stupid to accept simple explanations for everything.

We could be in the deepest economic depression in history and, as long as Trump tweets out that the US economy is doing the best ever, a good 45% of Americans would believe it. And, Fox News will parrot that that talking point and evidence to the otherwise is just liberal fake news trying to make Trump look bad. 

That’s some pretty damning stuff.  It’s almost as if powerful people were friends with Jeffrey Epstein and his contacts kept him above the law.  Almost as if our entire justice system were fundamentally broken due to corruption; but if that were true then we’d see a lot of poor, largely powerless individuals being