
Say it again and again:
The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house.

The liberal perversion of “identity politics”/intersectionality/simultaneity from its materialist, Marxist origins into this amorphous, hazy, Woke™ cloud — one that serves mostly to slap a rainbow-colored smiley face atop the dehumanizing horrors of capitalist exploitation and imperialist brutality — is almost

“These unprovoked attacks on commercial shipping warrant a retaliatory military strike,” Cotton told CBS.

Fuck, just in time for the release of the new Ford Bronco.

“It should be a lot of fun and I got a little getting even to do”

He was also completely unaware that there were roughly 10 seconds remaining in the period.  All he had to do was backcheck for a few seconds and wait for the buzzer.  I don’t understand trying to get a change in that situation.  Especially when he dropped back to cover for the D then all of a sudden stopped at the

“What matters is what we can do. What matters is how many people you can help. If Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren both support more or less the same policies, and one says that his motivation is socialism and one does not, here is the meaningful real world difference between the two: nothing. What matters is


Its not white men, its two warring factions within one party. Liberalism and Progressivism not only arent the same thing, but are actually in opposition to each other, and only one movement can really be the “Soul” of the party. Its almost as if one of those factions should really be DSA members and are only

Seeing lots of “I’m a Yankees fan, but...” and “I hate the Red Sox, but...” on the internet tonight. Cool, man, you don’t want the human beings who arbitrarily wind up playing for teams in a different geographic location than you to literally die. Awesome, that’s very noble.

This wasn’t no robbery.

Specifically because of what? Specifically. No bullshit “there all white guys”, because they interview all stripes, and for some reason pod save America gets a pass.

I mean this in the nicest possible way - what the fuck have you done that is pulling this country to the left in any meaningful way?  Because I applaud these young folk for trying, and trying a lot harder than I am right now tbh.

Mythical beasts?  You mean like a centrist Republican?

What about Camel Cash?


They’re not saying “Boo,” they’re saying “Boo-olton!”

“Maybe I’ve gone a bit far, but look at the positive side: This will help him clean his teeth,” Red said in the video. “I think he hasn’t cleaned them since he became poor.”

Hey, Mexico! Wanna trade presidents?!?