
“Two studies have found that at least 40 percent of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10 percent of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24 percent, indicating that domestic violence is two to four times more common

This time we are going to do the right thing for the Venezuelan people. Please ignore Elliot Abrams and the cup of blood he is drinking from. We are the friends of the people of Venezuela.  Trust Elliot, he loves freedom.  

The CIA funded the coup that started this man’s career, so many years ago.

artie moreno : *pulls flesh wallet out of fupa, removes $400 million* congrats mike

So, a Trump loving guy just happens to kill a mafia crime boss while Trump has allegedly been nefariously involved with the mafia doing shady deals with them for decades all while the Mueller investigation is digging into Trump Organization business dealings.

Sitting in your own piss again?

Someone needs to go to jail for the way that video is edited.

Maybe, and I’m just spit balling here, it’s because there never was an existential threat from socialism to our communal existence, but there is a threat to the upper caste in this country from it, specifically the billionaire class.
Ever notice how the neocons and neolibs cannot pounce quick enough on the “threat” of

I always feel like Beto is bullshitting me. Like a really smart high school kid who keeps insisting that he’s ready to take out a small buisness loan and that this will work if we’re all cool. When pressed the words “We’ll figure it out, man” makes more than one appearance.

Boston -

It is so unfair that you’re criticizing a politician for the things he has said and the legislation he has supported. This whole purity politics trend of refusing to support candidates who you have fundamental disagreements with is so childish and immature.  

I am sick to death of these useful idiots claiming that they have any understanding about Judaism, or the persecutions we’ve faced, or anything about Israel other than being fed money from AIPAC. The Republican party has enabled white supremacy. Period! There’s no middle ground or argument about it.

Why would you want Joe Lieberman atoms bombarding us for the rest of time?

Also as a Jew can I say that Joe Lieberman can fuck off into the sun?

Great news for NY and CA!

Nobody who is serious about anti-Semitism thinks Omar’s comments are worthy of more than “Hey, phrasing!”-level objections. Going forward, she needs to be more studious about not crossing cultural tripwires that centuries of anti-Semitic sentiment have laid in our language and culture.

Well worth noting that this latest flap was NOT a case of her phrasing incorrectly. It was a 100% valid and not-anti-Semitic way of phrasing things. And that’s why Bernie is supporting her.

STATES RIGHTS! Except for those that didn't vote for me.

States Rights = Bad!” - GOP 2019 probably

I’m Kamala Harris, trampling the US by holding the flag of the state I represent in the Senate?