

I run with podcasts 

Lynch’s claim that he was voting against the ACA because it was too compromised was obviously bullshit. He was publicly critical of the public option earlier. He was trying to have his cake and eat it too.

True Story:

“Just be glad he's not into Windex" -Eric Clapton

That’s my fucking son you’re talking about, bud.

Judging by the greys, these centrists dorks are pretty psyched to whip out the calipers and practice some amateur phrenology with you.

Because this continued idea that we should be the “bigger people” and be bipartisan isn’t an ideal shared by the GOP, demonstrated by everything they did in the last 2 years.

Any Democrat who uses the word “bipartisanship” needs to be politely escorted from the building and cordially asked to never return.

Nate Silver and 538, at least, were not embarrassed.

Counterpoint: My dumb conspiracy theory is that Ted Cruz is really just two kids stacked on top of each other.

If you haven’t put on Madball while lifting weights, then I pose the question, “do you even lift, bro?”

you know you can delete music from your library, right?

you more into riot riot upstart?

LOL. i don’t think anyone under 30 goes to AF shows in 2018

President Donald Trump: —of years. They say that we had hurricanes that were far worse than what we just had with Michael.
Lesley Stahl: Who says that? “They say”?
President Donald Trump: People say. People say that in the—
Lesley Stahl: Yeah, but what about the scientists who say it’s worse than ever?
President Donald

The Democrats would be in power if they weren’t spineless, disconnected, feckless tools who are too busy sniffing their own farts to realize they have been getting their asses whipped for 10 years. Stop blaming the people who came out to vote despite not liking their choices.

Polar, no two ways about it. This was their summer lineup. Excited to see what the fall brings

Polar, no two ways about it. This was their summer lineup. Excited to see what the fall brings

That’s our Robert!