
“Defend the First”

It’s funny.....all the adults who for years have shit upon Millenials (now adults) and other kids....complaining they’re lazy, selfish, absorbed in their phones, have no direction, don’t vote, don’t care about issues etc etc.

Thoughts and prayers

I don’t think Boston is the big problem. I think Sports Radio in general is the culprit. The entire industry is modeled on artificial conflict and outrage to get listeners. It’s always going to be odious at its core, no matter what city it originates from.

Doctor: How many fingers am I holding up?

Rodney Mullen is one of the greatest artists in human history. I am not exaggerating to say that I would defend that belief to my death.

These young men and, really, more and more people are seeing that these young men, and I’m telling you the papers have been writing about this and about how I’ve been very strong in this regard, these young, strong men can actually be tied together with, I guess it’s this type of plastic cord, plastic cord that is

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Highly recommend checking out Desus & Mero’s appearance on Garbage Time. Ç’est Magnifique.

I wish I was a spider so I had 6 more eyes to roll at this comment.

Still not the dumbest shit seen written on a red hat.

You should all listen to this dude. He knows a thing or two about legacies and the Patriots.

It’s not a participation trophy...

“Though I was not born until 1995"

Yeah, Papa John’s isn’t selling well because Papa John was bitching about NFL protests, and not because they sell shitty toilet pizza made of cardboard and garbage.


Oh go fuck yourself. We have watched the GOP gerrymander themselves into power and the donor-class buy their legislation for decades. This isn’t about partisanship, it is about the undermining of our Republic. And I am not saying the bill is undemocratic (it is though, generally) - I said the process was. That it is

Nothing about this process is “democratic”. This plutocratic shitshow is a disgrace to the Republic we claimed to be for centuries.

Truly a crime, Dog.