
This reminds me of that Stephen King books where pre-teens have group sex in a sewer to save Maine or something.

No one is saying he isn’t allowed to do this. We’re saying it’s fucking stupid.

I mean, no, I didn’t think of terrorism. Aren’t all our public transportation systems in, you know, a terrible state of disrepair? Because some people think paying taxes is bad?

If I, as a Yankee Fan, proposed to all Redsox fans, that I promise to never bring up Schilling if you never bring up A-Rod, would we have a deal?

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

“We think you’re shittier than Florida” is about the strongest burn I’ve ever heard of.

I’m a Republican and not sure who will be on the ticket in Colorado. If worst comes to worst I’m voting for my dog. This isn’t even a joke, I’ve planned it for a while.

Weird. It’s almost like calling black people animals who should be caged and pointing out that they’re being systematically oppressed are two completely different things.

Excuse me, dear? The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint!

The Venn diagram of people who will bring up the first amendment and censorship at this and people who think Kaepernick should be forced to leave the country is single circle.

Caution: long post upcoming. A lot of this is from a good summary at Reddit.

Schilling threatened to tell ‘the whole story’ to Rhode Island taxpayers.

Tune in to Toucher and Rich this week to hear Matt from San Diego call Garoppolo a little bitch.

BLM: “Some police are assholes.”

Now playing

Stuff like this helped his image rehab tour of 2016:

Fitting that a team best known for shitting itself has the team name running down its leg.

The underdog story of how a little known kid from a community college got drafted by the Dallas Cowboys.