
So Papelbon is being an entitled crybaby? That’s really hard to believe.

This isn’t a court, the NFL can’t issue warrants, they have absolutely no right to search his personal property. I say this as Jets fan who loves that the decision was upheld. Goodell is a moron and his handling of this incident, like every other thing he has done recently, has been appalling.

Really? Because I’m pretty sick of it.

Sounds like it was this guy

You guessed it, Frank Stallone!

What an original Deadspin comment

“During our telephonic meeting today, the board was briefed on our recent discussions...” said the guy who is definitely NOT an alien trying to siphon off earth’s precious natural resources.

Sorry we weren’t interested in being scammed, USOC. Maybe you’ll have better luck stealing money and land from Los Angeles?

#neverforget #nevergetsold

I thought the rule was you had reveal the magician by burying the pea in the flank of a swing man after you’ve been issued a physical challenge. Clear physical challenge here and, honestly, I was pretty sure Yelich was the designated magician. That wasn’t the case, but hindsight is 50/50. Reveal the magician with a

“The bids required a deposit of $10 million, with $2 million of that non-refundable,”

I used to play pretty seriously. The rules are simple. The main goal is to achieve “The Queen’s Errand,” or have the most netted balls by the end of the crow’s watch. If the pepper is placed in your path, you have to wheel the cranberry using only the poetic side of your bike. The lines on the court indicate the

Okay, I didn’t want to say anything... I mean I did, but... WTF?? Why are Republican politicians so frequently and horribly obtuse on issues like this? Do they even care to understand what they are talking about, or do they just say random crap that they think their constituency wants to hear? And... like... are they

I’ve never agreed with a candidate as much as I agree with Bernie Sanders. #feelthebern

As a Bills fan, I’m happy about this. It’s nice when we can ramp up the embarrassment before the season starts, so that when they start actually playing, it’s not such a jarring feeling.

Weirdly, this account is followed almost exclusively by Camptown ladies.

“I’ve got bursitis”