
If you motherfuckers want more money, cut the military budget.

Just donated my dollar to the Gravelanche.  Get this guy in the debates!

“Please step harder on my throat with your boots of capital, sir!"

Guaido is also not a legitimate president though. None of the prerequisites for removing a president under Article 233 were met. And even if they were, there is supposed to be a new election within 30 days. A National Assemblyman declaring himself president with no clear end date is no more democratic than Maduro’s

I wish I could star this 100 times. The amount of people I see in these comments spewing bullshit about “eating our own” is fucking infuriating, given that it’s always targeted at leftists.

The speculation as to why he still hasn’t officially announced his candidacy is that he’s waiting for the first quarterly FEC deadline to pass so he won’t have to disclose his donations yet for exactly this reason.

All Cows Are Beautiful

Oh shit, has Peter Chiarelli graduated from fucking up NHL teams to becoming an army general???

“Beto O’Rourke? Beat off my pork."

Half a million dollars in bribes to get into USC?? No offense to USC, but is it even that difficult of a school to get into?

The filibuster has been historically used to block civil rights legislation more than anything else. Get rid of this bullshit.

“We’ve individually and collectively already responded to the fact that we oppose all ‘-isms’ that do not treat people in this country fairly and justly”

It also has AOC holding the New York state flag.  Apparently NY and CA aren’t part of the United States?

None. Mustard is the devil's jelly.

None. Mustard is the devil's jelly.

“Electability” is a term that’s thrown around a lot and it’s essentially baseless and used to by the donor class to keep people voting for candidates in the center to center-right section of the spectrum. Donald Trump was supposedly unelectable and Hillary Clinton was supposed to be one of the most electable

$20 million in aid doesn’t help much when the US sanctions being imposed are costing $30 million per day. The UN and the International Red Cross have both denounced the “humanitarian aid” that the US is trying to force into the country. This wasn’t to help the Venezuelan people. This was to give the US an excuse to

Increasingly I see an alarming tendency among democrats to equate maintaining the status quo (if not enabling a further shift to the right) with pragmatism.  Just because an idea is more progressive than what a lot of centrist dems would propose doesn’t mean it’s not pragmatic.

Alabama - a place I never want to visit.

These are examples of social democracy, not socialism.  Socialism means that the workers control the means of production.  It’s an alternative economic system to capitalism.  Social democracies operate within a capitalist framework.

I think you might be a little confused about what socialism is. The basic tenet of socialism is the workers controlling the means of production, which we currently do not have in the United States for the most part. The examples you’re giving of “socialism” are actually just examples of social democracy (which is