
I am an American and I’d also like to know this.

Who says Trump isn’t doing anything to curb global warming?

Is the Deadcast ever coming back? And if so, will Marchman’s dog continue to be a regular guest?

Polls like this always seem like a bad idea to me. It’s very unlikely for anybody responding to have tried all 5 of these headphones (or even most of them). So people end up just voting for the one that they own even though they have nothing to compare it to.

Polls like this always seem like a bad idea to me. It’s very unlikely for anybody responding to have tried all 5 of

As a Bostonian, I would be elated if I never see the phrase “Boston Strong” again.

About a decade ago, I lived in Atlanta for a year. I happened to be strolling through the park that Park Tavern is in while there was a “giant” Falcons preseason pep-rally going on in the park. There was a huge stage with bands playing and everything. I saw a total of about a dozen people wearing falcons gear and

When did stadiums become disposable things that get thrown out after twenty years? This has gotten ridiculous.

Stole home and was one of the greatest Gamecube games of all time. Talk about multi-talented!


I hope this guy never gets caught

I still think it would have been cool if they went with the Las Vegas Sinners. That name would have been hard as hell.

Good god, would you look at that wig! Fuck!

Maybe it’s just an incredibly realistic tattoo of a shirt.

This article reads like it’s written by somebody who just doesn’t understand how statistics and probabilities work. There are almost no certainties in life. Everything comes down to percentages. In terms of election projection performance, 538 has blown everybody else out of the water. It seems silly that you’re


* urine luck

I’ve been watching the WSOP coverage on ESPN and that Kassouf guy is the fucking worst. Never shuts up, takes forever with every decision. He even made a woman cry earlier in the tournament. He got a one round penalty at one point for berating people while they were trying to make decisions. This guy is really bad for


Oh man, I wish I knew about this so I could have gone down to Government Center and heckled this asshat.

Now playing

What’s so bad about Totino’s pizza rolls and the Legion of Doom?