
True Fact: Dennis and Callahan might be even worse people than Trump.

The Globe is now reporting that there haven’t been any confirmed cases of E. Coli in this incident and it seems more like Norovirus.

I got a calzone from Pino’s on Saturday. When I walked in to pick it up, they said “We accidentally made a large calzone instead of a small. Enjoy it!” I would take a bullet for that place.

I live a few blocks away from this Chipotle location. I ate there yesterday and last Monday. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Negative Approach featuring the Tupac hologram


Now playing

Are they going to play the song that rips off Kraftwerk?

Bostonian here. That question about how annoying Harvard’s fanbase would be if they were a dominant football team is a little misguided. Nobody in the Northeast gives a rat’s ass about college sports. Also, I don’t think it’s possible for Harvard kids to get more annoying than they already are. I think everybody I’ve


Guy Fieri AKA The Douchebag Kool-Aid Man

“Thank you for that Stanley Cup??” He barely played that season! He wasn’t even active for the first round of the playoffs.

“majority of the negative comments were from other fans not the Bills fans”

Do yourself a favor and don’t read the comments on that linked second video. Woof.

Food for thought:

Doesn’t YouTube already have an ad-free version called “AdBlock Plus?”

Boloco isn’t out of business. They’re still everywhere in Boston. They were originally called “The Wrap” and then changed their name to Boloco, which stands for “Boston Local Company.” They also suck balls.

It’s so frustrating to see that he’s still got it, but seemingly doesn’t want to be funny anymore.

I was in the bleachers at Fenway when they retired Pedro’s number this season. It got a little dusty during the video montage.

I hate this ownership group so much. Firing DO for no reason and then being caught completely off guard when everybody was upset by it is just another example of how tone-deaf they are to the fan base. Given the fact that they make so many decisions based on public relations instead of the actual best interest of the

That’s just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.