


Um, go on?

STFU, Danny. You haven't seen the results of the writing yet, you're just throwing shade.

Note that the audience, ad dollars, ecstatic network head, streaming revenue dollars & 18-49 demographics & word of mouth has chosen the latter. They are all-in. There is NOTHING DCCU can offer - more special effects? Psssh, give me Gustin crying and the whole audience boo-hooing right alongside him mourning his

Miller states to plz watch in 2D as the 3D was not done with much care.

I would order online at the Mtn Brook / Montclair store, but g'd does the quality vary depending on my Maker. Sometimes I have to just walk away sad.

Flashpoint tends to make everything worse...

Ubuntu ONLY - correct?


Oh, I HATE PLAYED this thing for YEARS on my Apple iic. UGGHHHH

Imma need a picture or a web link of this, please

NARC'ED *'re literally advocating fridging two female characters? So we can focus on the male characters left over?

Fo sho

What if I just don't care either way? At this point, it's cinema by committee, with almost every scene released as 'teaser'

I had no idea your genitals were news-worthy.

Kearns was unquestionably NOT the kind of 'invention' Oliver was talking about here. Now, go count your shill money and let the adults talk.

IF Daryl makes it back to Alexandria...