
What are the chances that Jonah can end up in the future (only briefly - no Dogs of War, obviously no future Batman, no Road Warrior set-up) and come across a certain ... uhm ... taxidermied corpse?

They did say DC Rebirth would begin with a death, which I honestly thought was going to be Post-Crisis Superman. But with Post-Crisis Superman confirmed or more or less confirmed throughout all of these titles, it could be New 52 Superman who dies.

Exactly. That seems to be the difference between the two companies. DC seems to realize not everyone is happy and Rebirth looks like it will be the fix that they wanted their last shake up to be (which ended up being not any good for anyone but Batman.) I’m pumped. I love Marvel, but my first was DC so it has a bit of

I just say Post-Crisis.

This should be canon.

Got some good pics from the panel. The whole cast was adorable x 100. Only sad Wentworth wasn’t there. Brandon Routh esp was very charming - tossed all the name cards to the crowd at the end. I wish we had him instead of Cavill as Supes (I feel like I’m in the minority on that one) but happy to have him on Legends.

The Superman ongoing also features this Superman, given that Lois and Jon are on the cover, and he’s tearing off his Superman: Lois and Clark black suit to reveal the classic one underneath.

My theory on Rip Hunter is that his horrible job at time traveling is what causes the Time Masters organization to be formed, because once time travel becomes possible, a few people will notice someone had badly messed with the timeline so they form an organization to police it. Eventually hiring the very person that

Also: The Atom gets BIG.

How to be Captain Cold in 1 easy lesson:

Oh yeah, it’s plot is convoluted and dumb as rocks, but I’m enjoying it anyway.

I think you are being way too hard on this series. It isn’t perfect and there are definitely areas where you could improve but on a tv budget this is pretty freaking incredible.

Them: We’re going to run around and have ridiculous fun in a medley of SF/F tropes and callbacks, loosely wrapped up in a sorta Quantum Leap meets Doctor Who thing, and generally not give a shit.

Felicity (in wheelchair?) Nyssa! Kaylee! The future! baby!Legends! Wild west shenanigans!

Wait, Jewel Staite is going to be in this? Well that’s something to look forward to.

Wait... was that a shot of a superhero museum? In the future?? *_*

Reminds me of Darkseid’s father, Yuga Khan, though he’s a 90s creation, not a Kirby one:

Yup, I felt like they did a TON of world-building in this and I appreciated the hell out of it. I went into this expecting to hate it (or at least dislike it a ton), but ended up enjoying myself far more than Age of Ultron, which just felt like it existed solely as a reason for Tony Stark to be even more

Other sources are claiming Blue Beetle will be written by Kieth Giffen, in which case it and Birds of Prey are my top choices. I am seeing a lot to be excited about at the moment.

His mullet moved to his face!