He was clear though that Zela Williams is indeed named for the video game and not any other Zelda.
He was clear though that Zela Williams is indeed named for the video game and not any other Zelda.
“Upper management” doesn’t actually have a say. They could if they banned them, but they haven’t. It is all up to the sports writers to select them (or not).
They “went private” in 2005 and took on boat-loads of debt to do so. They have been on uncertain ground ever since.
There aren’t that many 1hd monsters. If you have a party of 1-3 level characters they are going to come across a goblin camp sooner or later.
What caused the flood?
Bloomberg still lives by it.
Figuratively, literally means “totally.”
The meanings of words change, such as literally, which figuratively means totally.
You have it backward. Sports isn’t starting to resemble politics, politics is taking on some of the worst aspects of sports fans. It is team Red vs. team Blue.
I gotta say, that when he was elected I feared what was to come. But now I find it all rather amusing.
Many of those listed above, while murder, are not “shootings.”
What is not forbidden is compulsory.
Regrading 9-year old you and poison ivy.
It might have been banned by the IOC, but it was not banned by MLB.
Hail Eris!
Venus is sexy. Everybody wants a piece of Venus.
They tried to tell me that I should be pronouncing it Uran-us and not Ur-anus. ....but that leads to just as many potty jokes.
Don’t forget that a larger pizza has a larger cheese / crust ratio.
Jesus was a Semite which is white. Maybe a few shades more tan than he appears in some of his pictures, but still Caucasian.